...Sweet Dreams.....
Apr 30, 2011
Apr 29, 2011
The Monolith of Grey Whale Cove

Bid for Earthquake Relief! The Monolith of Grey Whale Cove #2 - San Mateo County, California, a photo by PatrickSmithPhotography on Flickr.
Update: Auction Closed! A link will be sent to the winners as soon as you send me the screen grab! Thanks to the following winners:
Brandon Lyons
Gary Ngo Photography
--------- Original description ----
Again, I am entering this image in to the Flickr group Charity Print Auctions - Japan for Tsunami and earthquake relief. All proceeds will go to Japan via the British Red Cross or your favorite local Red Cross for your tax writeoff. The last in my stream photo went for USD $450.00. Now, I want to try something new to raise money.
This will be an auction for a full resolution (5616w x 3744h) jpg file created untouched from my original 125MB TIFF file, so there will be no degradation of the TIFF quality. It will be for your own personal use and can be printed BIG! No selling to other people or I'll find out...hehe! The top 10 bidders will be the winners. In case of a tie, the first bids will be chosen first.
See the 1400 pixel version here: (the big one looks much better!)
A video showing the magnitude of the damage:
To Bid:
You need to make a comment below the image with the amount that you would like to bid in US $. When the auction closes, the 10 people with the highest bids win. The auction will close this coming Friday, March 25th at 8pm California time. To see the bidding, just read the comments!
The winning bidders will pay the amount they promised to their local Red Cross. For example:
When you have made your donation, you MUST make a screen grab of the donation confirmation page to send to me for confirmation. This is the only way that I can know that you have paid. Then I will send you a link to the jpg file.
It is easy to make a screen print, see here!
-- now for the usual description ----
The second in the series. A low tide at sunset during the winter time is the only time when this view can be seen. Usually this is underwater and large waves pass through submerging this place under 5-10 feet of water. I've been waiting a long time to capture this scene. No HDR
Canon 5D mark II
Canon 17-40 @ 23
1/8-sec. exposure @F10
ISO 200 (to keep the exposure to 1/8, I wanted just a little movement)
2 LEE ND soft-edge grad 0.9s (the big ones)
Lee filter foundation kit (for an onobstructed wide view at < 22mm)
No polarizer.
RAW file processed with Capture One by Phase One
TIFF file processed with Photoshop cs4
Small Slik Sprint mini II tripod
Manfrotto 322RC2 pistol-grip ball head
The Story (repeated from version #1)
Grey Whale Cove, about 20 miles south of San Francisco is an excellent beach for photography and for just playing around. Yesterday afternoon was warm and sunny (75f, 24c at sunset) with some high thin clouds which are best for creating those brilliant red sunsets just as the sun drops below the horizon. This evening did not disappoint.
Be careful what you ask for. I was hoping that these clouds would make a red sunset, but the camera had a a tough time with it. It was incredible to see with my own eyes but the reds were getting blown out and the clouds were turning into red featureless blobs. So I had to move into a position where I was pointing away from the sun and then angle two strong grads over the bright parts on the left side of the sky. Most of this picture is not darkened by the grads at all, just the bits in the upper left. And even then, I had to desaturate the reds a bit in Photoshop to get back the detail. For that, I selected the red parts of the sky, feathered the selection, chose the red channel in Levels, and lowered the brightness.
There are lots of elements here that are difficult to capture all at once. Winter is the only time to get light on the monolith rock because the sun sets to the left of the frame. During the rest of the year, the sun sets behind the rock, making it a silhouette.
Another element is that it must be a very low tide in order to get into this spot because there is a cliff right behind me with limited escape options. (This was a 0.0 ft. tide. A minus tide might be even better but the waves would not be there.) And this beach has a habit of sending these sleeper wave surges in avery 5 minutes or so. Just when you get used to the patterns of the waves, a surge will come in and the water rises about 4-5 feet even with small waves. So you have to look constantly out to sea to give yourself time to prepare for a quick escape!
Other elements include that I waited for the sand to become reflective so capture the relection of the monolith rock and for a wave to strike the rock. And I wanted to show a big wave in the distance. About 20 seconds later, that wave flooded this area quite efficiently I must say!
The map shows the exact location.
Other stuff
My pictures are featured on the front page of the
state Government. of California website and the new Governor, Jerry Brown's website too. Have a look! It is Flash with my pics cut into layers for a 3-d slideshow. If you are into building apps, the State has opened up lots of data to the public, so check it out!
A great weather mashup map of the world with local temperatures, weather and nice popups. See where it is hot and not!
Google Earth
Simply the best way to scout out locations that there is. You can see sun angles and pre-visualize light under lots of different conditions. Sometimes you can actually pre-compose your shots! This has saved me many thousands of vertical feet of climbing by avoiding spots with blocked views etc.
Satellite imagery (choose 'National' for a local US region or use your fave website)
Tide charting and preditions: (chose your area in US, other countries have similar websites)
Wave Heights (I choose 'North Pacific from Global')
Or Here:
Photos of every inch of the California coastline from a small plane. Excellent for close in detailed views.
Die Chorfenster von Marc Chagall (1970).
Von links nach rechts: Prophetenfenster, Jakobsfenster, Christusfenster, Zionsfenster und Gesetzesfenster.
Da in der Fraumünsterkirche das fotografieren verboten ist, habe ich (in der Kirche) ein Foto gekauft und eingescannt!
Because shooting in the Fraumünster Church is forbidden, I have bought (in church) a photo and scanned in!
Apr 23, 2011
Apr 22, 2011
Bora Bora
KAP in Bora Bora Aug 02, 2008
InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa, the # 1 resort in Bora Boraon Trip Advisor.
Image shot from a delta fishing kite with a Ricoh GX 100 and its wide angle converter on a 130 kgs Cousin Ultimate line in 25-30 knots wind with a BBKR by Brooks Leffler
Apr 21, 2011
Manu geTTing inspired... aT CléRigoS!!!!!
...e depois p me inspirar temos estas coisinhas lindas....
Clérigos Church, PORTO, portugal
The Clérigos Church (Portuguese: Igreja dos Clérigos, pronounced [ˈklɛɾiɡuʃ]; "Church of the Clergy") is a Baroque church in the city of Porto, in Portugal. Its tall bell tower, the Torre dos Clérigos, can be seen from various points of the city and is one of its most characteristic symbols.
The church was built for the Brotherhood of the Clérigos (Clergy) by Nicolau Nasoni, an Italian architect and painter who left an extense work in the north of Portugal during the 18th century.
Construction of the church began in 1732 and was finished around 1750, while the monumental divided stairway in front of the church was completed in the 1750s. The main façade of the church is heavily decorated with baroque motifs (such as garlands and shells) and an indented broken pediment. This was based on an early 17th century Roman scheme. The central frieze above the windows present symbols of worship and an incense boat. The lateral façades reveal the almost elliptic floorplan of the church nave.
The Clérigos Church was one of the first baroque churches in Portugal to adopt a typical baroque elliptic floorplan. The altarpiece of the main chapel, made of polychromed marble, was executed by Manuel dos Santos Porto.
The monumental tower of the church, located at the back of the building, was only built between 1754 and 1763. The baroque decoration here also shows influence from the Roman Baroque, while the whole design was inspired by Tuscan campaniles. The tower is 75.6 metres high, dominating the city. There are 225 steps to be climbed to reach the top of its six floors. This great structure has become the symbol of the city.
In Oporto, Nicolau Nasoni was also responsible for the construction of the Misericórida Church, the Archbishop's Palace and the lateral loggia of Oporto Cathedral. He entered the Clérigos Brotherhood and was buried, at his request, in the crypt of the Clérigos Church....
Nicolau Nasoni
Nicolau Nasoni (or originally Niccoló Nasoni) (2 June 1691 – 30 August 1773) was an Italian artist and architect but mostly active in Portugal.
He became during the 18th century one of the most influential figures in Portuguese Baroque architecture for introducing his original and vigorous and theatrical style of Baroque and Rococo architecture.
Born in San Giovanni Valdarno, Tuscany, he received his education in Siena from Giuseppe Nicolo Nasini (1657–1736) from 1713 and 1720. During this early period he constructed a catafalque for Ferdinando de Medici (1663–1713) in the cathedral of Siena and the triumphal arch for the reception of the new archbishop. At the same time he studied architecture and painting while working with his master for the Opera del Duomo di Siena.
He was then employed, first as a painter in Rome and, between 1723 and 1725, in Malta. The new Grand Master of the Order of Malta was a Portuguese nobleman Dom António de Vilhena. Nasoni designed the Mars display for the parade in his honour. The theatrical design of this display attracted the attention of Count Francisco Picolomini, who in turn informed the Grand Master. Niccoló Nasoni then received a commission to paint the ceilings and corridors of the Magisterial Palace (Palazzo Magistrale della Valletta). His work was much appreciated and he soon became famous as a decorative painter.
Baroque architecture is a term used to describe the building style of the Baroque era, begun in late sixteenth century Italy, that took the humanist Roman vocabulary of Renaissance architecture and used it in a new rhetorical and theatrical fashion, often to express the triumph of the Catholic Church and the absolutist state. It was characterized by new explorations of form, light and shadow and dramatic intensity.
Whereas the Renaissance drew on the wealth and power of the Italian courts and was a blend of secular and religious forces, the Baroque was, initially at least, directly linked to the Counter-Reformation, a movement within the Catholic Church to reform itself in response to the Protestant Reformation.[2] Baroque architecture and its embellishments were on the one hand more accessible to the emotions and on the other hand, a visible statement of the wealth and power of the Church. The new style manifested itself in particular in the context of the new religious orders, like the Theatines and the Jesuits who aimed to improve popular piety.
The architecture of the High Roman Baroque can be assigned to the papal reigns of Urban VIII, Innocent X and Alexander VII, spanning from 1623 to 1667. The three principal architects of this period were the sculptor Gianlorenzo Bernini, Francesco Borromini and the painter Pietro da Cortona and each evolved their own distinctively individual architectural expression.
ohhh................ playing with nex and.... having so much fun!!!!
yeahhhhhhhhh !!
GoD's lighT!!!
Apr 19, 2011
Apr 15, 2011
Etna, 2011

Third paroxysm at Etna in 2011
Originally uploaded by etnaboris
On 10 April 2011, Etna produced a new, violent and spectacular paroxysm from the active crater on the east side of the Southeast Crater cone. After more than two days of increasingly intense Strombolian activity, lava fountaining started around 11:30 (local time = GMT+2), accompanied by voluminous lava emission and the rise of a tall column of ash and gas. The acme of the paroxysm lasted little more than 2 hours and then gradually declined. As of nightfall on 10 April, some glowing lava is still visible near the crater, but there are no signs of ongoing eruptive activity.
This view was taken at 11:45 local time from Monte Fontane, a panoramic viewpoint about 8 km to the east of the Southeast Crater.