Cartagena de Indias,
Jan 29, 2012
Jan 28, 2012
Jan 22, 2012
Jan 20, 2012
Jan 19, 2012
Under the Humber Bridge
It represents a considerable achievement for British engineering design and construction.
40 second exposure f/5.6.
Jan 16, 2012
Jan 10, 2012
Jan 7, 2012
A volcanologist's dream and nightmare
A volcanologist's dream and nightmare a video by etnaboris on Flickr.
Pyroclastic flows entered into volcanological and collective conscience nearly 110 years ago, when an until then poorly known volcano wiped out the town of Saint-Pierre on the Caribbean island of Martinique, killing all but two of the roughly 28,000 people who were present in the town at the moment. The deadly agent was a strange cloud, which rather than rising up into the sky like a "normal" volcanic eruption cloud, rushed down from the volcano as a ground-hugging avalanche, and covered the distance of 8 km separating the unfortunate town from the volcano in about 2 minutes.
Since that tragedy, generations of volcanologists have been haunted and intrigued by pyroclastic flows, a quite elusive phenomenon whose generation and products seem to be the result of incredibly complex processes. A few volcanoes are notorious for producing pyroclastic flows during nearly all of their eruptions, like Merapi in Indonesia, where nearly 400 people were killed during a large eruption in October-November 2010, and Mayon in the Philippines, last active in December 2009. The Soufrière Hills on the Caribbean island of Montserrat produced countless pyroclastic flows between 1996 and 2010, causing death and devastation, but also allowing more detailed observation and documentation of these flows than has been ever obtained elsewhere.
Although not many volcanologists and volcano aficionados would have the Sicilian volcano Etna in their minds when thinking of pyroclastic flows, Etna is actually one of the busier producers of pyroclastic flows worldwide, and it has proved more "inventive" when it comes to how to generate these flows, and - luckily - they are rather small and confined to the immediate summit area and the upper flanks of the mountain. So the only people at risk are volcanologists, mountain guides, mountain rescue service staff, and occasional onlookers who enter the off-limits area. Since 1986, pyroclastic flows have occurred on at least 12-13 occasions, though others have probably passed unobserved. The most notable cases are the pyroclastic flows of the Bocca Nuova of 25 October 1999 (which I had the chance to see from only about 1 km distance), at the Southeast Crater on 16 November 2006 (again, I could witness numerous small pyroclastic flows at very close range but luckily had left the scene when a much bigger one occurred), and during a paroxysm at the New Southeast Crater on 10 April 2011 (on the steep slope of the Valle del Bove). In a surprising number of cases, people were present at close distance, but none of them have ever been hit by any of these pyroclastic flows.
One of the most exciting moments during the latest paroxysmal eruptive episode from Etna's New Southeast Crater early on 5 January 2012 was when a black cloud appeared on the slope of the erupting cone, which swept downward toward the snow-covered terrain at the base of the cone. When the cloud hit the snow, countless small puffs of steam rose. This video shows these scenes, and you can even see how the impact of the pyroclastic flow on the snow generates a small "lahar" - a volcanic mudflow, a phenomenon rarely observed at Etna. Next to pyroclastic flows, lahars are globally the second most deadly volcanic phenomenon, but luckily only one larger lahar is known to have occurred at Etna in historical time, in 1755.
The full, 8:39-min long video showing footage recorded by myself during the 5 January 2012 paroxysmal episode from the New Southeast Crater is now available at YouTube. YOU DEFINITELY HAVE TO WATCH THIS.
super video Boris!!!!
Jan 4, 2012
Impressionist’s Style
While fishing on the reef, we were intrigued by these deep green, ocre and purple nuances and thought that some altitude would reveal this incredible palette.
AutoKAP, Dan leigh Delta R8, Ricoh GX 200 with its wide angle converter.
Christmas Sunset on Raimiti Fakarava seen from a kite

Christmas Sunset on Raimiti Fakarava seen from a kite.(Ricoh GX 200), a photo by Pierre Lesage on Flickr.
AutoKAP rig with the Ricoh GX 200 and its wide angle adaptor, Dan Leigh Delta R8, a very smooth flight …. Hora de Feliz… Happy Hour !!!
Stitched Panorama [Group 4]-R0051486_R0051489-4 images - with AutoPano Giga by Kolor.
Located 450km northeast of Tahiti, Fakarava is the 2nd biggest atoll of French Polynesia: 60km long, 21km wide for 16km² of emerged land with a 1121km² lagoon.
Some 855 inhabitants of this faraway remote island are settled around the main village of Rotoava.
The rest of the atoll is desert and offers unlimited miles of white sand beaches by a crystal clear lagoon. This Unesco Biosphere is truly exceptional. Matisse, the painter, discovered in Fakarava, some unique shade of blues that he later reproduced in its paintings.
Motu UtuKaina is a 45 minutes boat ride from Raimiti ( ) and is the perfect spot for picnic and KAP….
Light travel auto KAP rig – Ricoh GX 200 – Wide angle converter – Dan Leigh Delta R8
Type L to see it LARGE
Tetamanu Pass in Fakarava
Located 450km northeast of Tahiti, Fakarava is the 2nd biggest atoll of French Polynesia: 60km long, 21km wide for 16km² of emerged land with a 1121km² lagoon.
Some 855 inhabitants of this faraway remote island are settled around the main village of Rotoava. The Paumotu people live off copra (dried coconut pulpit), pearl farms and tourism, quite particularly thanks to the magnificent diving sites.Indeed, Fakarava is a part of 7 "biosphere reserve" classified atolls by UNESCO in 2006; that shows the luxuriance of this land and its unique lagoon. This lagoon is fed by 2 pass: The Garuae pass (in the North, 1600m wide, the biggest of Polynesia) and the Tetamanu pass (in the South). While diving, you can meet all types of fishes found in the Tuamotu Archipelago: barracudas, groupers, loaches, manta rays, eagle rays, grey reef tiger, hammerhead sharks, dolphins and turtles, without forgetting the luxuriant corals.
Diving sites on this atoll constitute simply a paradise for the fauna and the flora, but also for the divers. The interest for Fakarava is also found on the main land by visiting a pearl farm and discovering the Tetamanu former village with its church built in coral in 1874. But also and especially by returning to a simple and protected life, only guided by nature and it breathless show.
Light travel auto KAP rig – Ricoh GX 200 – Wide angle converter – Dan Leigh Delta R8
Jan 3, 2012
Fakarava, French Polynesia

Fakarava, French Polynesia, JAN 01, 2012 view from bungalow 5 Lagon at the Raimiti, a photo by Pierre Lesage on Flickr.
JAN 01, 2012 view from bungalow 5 Lagon at the Raimiti. :)
Jan 2, 2012
Tongariki, Easter Island
seen from a Kite at sunrise.
Kite Aerial Photography. Kite : Dan Leigh Delta R8 – Camera : Ricoh GX 200 with Wide Angle converter. Rig : AutoKAP travel rig designed by Brooks Leffler.
This KAP session was one of the 31 KAP & PAP sessions we had over a week stay on Easter Island… Over 10 000 images to sort, delete and edit…
The sun was out by 7:40 AM and we only had a window of 3 minutes of perfect light, the kite was already up in the air and as soon as the sun rose over the ocean the rig was up above the Moais. It was interesting to see that a dozen other visitors had also made it for sunrise, but all of them were facing the sun, we were looking for the shadows !
Fireworks in Fakarava...
Dec 31, 2011....
in Fakarava at Raimiti ( having fun !
TUAMOTO islands!!!!